İşlem Yapılıyor.
4th International 33rd National Biophysics Congress
31 Aug 2022 Wednesday, Adiyaman University Faculty of Medicine-Criteria for Progression Associate Professor
English Türkçe


The fee of each course is 1000 TL. There is a quota of 20 people for each courses. If application is below 10, the courses is, unfourtunatly not done.  The fee is cover all expensenses of the couses, including lunch. 





Applied hemodynamics course  

Professor Eylem Taskin Guven 

Associate Prof. Celal Guven

Dr. Salih Tunc Kaya                                 


This course is aimed at a wide audience, including all postgraduate and doctoral students, assistants and faculty members who have devoted/devoted to cardiovascular physiology. Our only expectation from our candidates who will participate in the course is that they have an interest and curiosity in the investigation of cardiovascular system damage. Of course, having an interest in cardiovascular surgery and using one or more of these methods will facilitate the acquisition of targeted skills.


Learning objectives of this course;

  1. Carotid and femoral artery cannulation and direct blood pressure measurement
  2. Heart rate measurement
  3. Connecting to ventilator via tracheostomy
  4. Intubation in rats
  5. ECG recording from experimental animals


Course Content.


8:30-9:15-Hemodynamic Measurement Methods and Systems----Theoretical


9:15-9:30-Coffee Break


9:30-10:30-Hemodynamic techniques—Practice


10:30-12:30-Participant Applications


In theoretical explanations, tracheostomy, carotid artery cannulation, thoracotomy, ECG recording and blood pressure measurement, which will be shown in the application sections, will be explained in detail using visuals. In addition, in applications with experimental animals, the participants will be divided into two groups of 10. In the two systems available in Adıyaman University Experimental Animal Research Laboratory, hemodynamic techniques will be demonstrated in detail by two instructors. First, experimental animals will be anesthetized. Artificial respiration will be performed by performing a tracheostomy, and then the right carotid artery/femoral artery and vein will be cannulated, blood pressure measurement and intravenous substance injection will be performed. It will be waited for 5 minutes to stabilize the heart rate and arterial blood pressure. ECG recording will be taken simultaneously and its analysis will be explained.





Measurement of smooth muscle functions in-vitro


Assistant Prof. Gulsun Memi

Dr. Zarife N.O. Kumral


This course is aimed at a wide audience, including basic medical science graduate students, doctoral students, assistants and faculty members who want to study/gain experience in smooth muscle functions. Our only expectation from our candidates who will participate in the course is that they are interested in an isolated organ bath and smooth muscle functions.


Learning objectives of this course;

  1. Installation of isolated organ bath and preparation of tissue-appropriate solution
  2. Recording of contraction-relaxation responses in different smooth muscle samples
  3. Examination of contraction and relaxation responses that occur under pathophysiological conditions
  4. Analysis of the obtained contraction-relaxation responses and evaluation



Course Content.


8:30-9:15-Isolated organ bath and smooth muscle functions---Theoretical


9:15-9:30-Coffee Break


9:30-10:30-Setup of organ bath and preparation of smooth muscle strips—Practical


10:30-12:30-Participant Applications and Data Analysis



In theoretical explanations, the basic components of the isolated organ bath, the ideal environment needed for the organ in the in-vitro environment and the properties that may change according to the tissue will be explained with examples. It is aimed to perform functional measurements such as the evaluation of smooth muscle contractile responses and to explain the necessary infrastructure preparations for these measurements by using visuals.

Following the theoretical lesson, the participants will be divided into groups of 10 for practical applications. In one group, tissue acquisition and tissue preparation stages will be shown, while in the other group, tissue suspending and recording in an isolated organ bath will be shown simultaneously. Afterwards, by group change, both groups will be able to do the entire experimental process. Following laboratory applications, contraction/relaxation curves will be drawn in the statistics program by taking the mean ± SD values ​​in the areas marked with (with appropriate marking techniques in the software during the experimental procedure). The analysis of data will also be shown in practice and will be discussed with the trainees.


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