İşlem Yapılıyor.
4th International 33rd National Biophysics Congress
31 Aug 2022 Wednesday, Adiyaman University Faculty of Medicine-Criteria for Progression Associate Professor
English Türkçe

 Poster sizes should be 65x90 cm.

Abstract Formatting

Title: Full Research Title, Times New Roman 12 Bold

Name Surname1*, Name Surname2

*1My Institute, Faculty, Department, City, Country.

2My Institute, Faculty, Department, City, Country.


Corresponding author e-mail: .....


All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the scientific committee member before accepting the submission to Congress. In this template, The Congress on abstract submission formatting requirements is described. The abstract should be maximum of 300 words, including spaces and summaries of the main points of the paper. The font should be Times New Roman, font size 12 pt. The abstract should be written in English.

In summary order; It should consist of 'Aim', 'Materials and Methods, 'Results', and 'Conclusion' sections. Abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible. When it is necessary to use abbreviations, they should be used in parentheses after they are defined in parentheses.


In the Panel and/or Conference, the abstract page should be written without breaking into sections. General information, equation, citation, non-standard abbreviations, and references should not be included.



"Keywords" should be given under the abstract. The first letter of the keywords should be capitalized and separated by a semicolon. Keywords should be prepared with a minimum of 3 words and a maximum of 5 words. (Ex: Keywords: Word 1; Word 2; Word 3; Word 4; Word 5). The English title should be at the top and the abstract should be on the left.


Keywords: 3-6 words.

Abstracts will be submitted by using the Abstract Submission bottom


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